Suicide Squad's
Spec Ops secret weapon the Bronze Tiger will show up in season 2 of Arrow. The word on the wire is that BT will form an uneasy alliance with China White, the leader of the triads in Star City. The Squad is said to be forming and the Bronze Tiger is the first agent of Waller's on the show. Bone crushing kick assery is sure to ensue.
Bronze Tiger is a martial arts Grand Master and former LOA assassin. Michael Jai White being a martial arts master himself understands how DC's super spy's fight game should be executed. The only question left is what will he look like.

this photo is from Michael Jai White's twitter page. I'm thinking this is from the set of Arrow so we might have the sneak peak at what the Tiger's urban ninja is going to be. Will he have the Tiger mask at some point in the Task Force X movie, will the claws be tricked out (come on DC let's do it
Truly I was hoping for a modern version of the BT classic look or tactical battle gear with martial arts accents. The leather jacket is cool too.
Believe me I'm not complaining.
BT is in the building and the excitement level is high sports fans.
Essential Bronze Tiger

Detective Comics #485, 489
Legends #1-6
Checkmate #6, 7 (Greg Rucka)
Suicide Squad vI (John Ostrander)
SS mini series Raise the Flag #1-8
Suicide Squad #67 / Secret Six #17, 18
Best stand alone issue: Suicide Squad #38
Checkmate #7
Michael Jai White is
Nice post mate - I really dig the Scorpion/Sub-Zero style ninja mask you created for the opening photo too - that makes a hell of alot more sense than the whole head thing, and makes BT look as dangerous as hell!
ReplyDeleteThe essential BT reading list is an awesome idea too, you should put that in a sidebar somewhere so fans googling Bronze Tiger after the show hits will be able to see it no matter which great page of your site they land on first!
Great idea Dan and thankx, it's a done deal. The list is going up tomorrow.
DeleteThe full mask is .... I hate it now. I mean totally because the new 52 completely transformed him. DC has done the right thing with Mike though and my fingers are crossed hoping it's done right.
Here's hoping the Arrow show creators do your boy right. I think they will, but on the off-chance they don't, I'll gladly protest right next to you:)
ReplyDeleteIf they do him wrong I'm not going to say anything.....SHIT!!! I'm months behind on comics from the last BT reveal. If this goes wrong all the screws are coming loose.
DeleteNo I'm joking, my expectations are low man. Can't keep taking them body blows.
i'm interested to see how they handle the character. as for MJW i'm sure he can pull it off if the producers give him the right BT material to work with. until then i don;t want to get too caught up in the hype so far that show in general hasn't done much for me.
ReplyDeleteMe either, I've been trying to watch the last couple of episodes for 2 days to be current and can't get it done.
DeleteArrow is not the real Green Arrow and I don't care about not one of the characters at all. Deadshot was all wrong. The Royal Flush Gang was piss poor pathetic and I wanted to slap Diggle my damn self for being such a sucka.
My boi is in the building now so I might be wearing a Green Arrow T-shirt when I quit the Avengers if they do this right.
About halfway through Arrow I had to to smack myself and realize I wasn't watching MY DC universe. Heck, Smallville did a better job of representing DC, albeit that was mostly through shower scenes. Once I did that I could sit back and enjoy certain bits, like Felicity. Who I really dig. Because in the world of the CW, only hot blondes can use the internets. Oh, and John Barrowman, because even though he's a bad guy I'll always see him as Captain Jack from Torchwood. That being said, it still had it's "Oh boy, the villain of the week has shown up" faults. Until the last few episodes there just wasn't much follow through plot except for itty bitty blurbs in various episodes and "duh duh duhhhh" moments. Hopefully the introduction of Bronze Tiger and Waller's Squad is the ushering in of a new era and the end to that foolishness. Like they finally realized on Smallville that we'd had enough of the kryptonite already and it couldn't possibly explain EVERYTHING that had gone wrong with the world. Or, you know, Clark probably wouldn't have reached adulthood. Glad someone worked that out in the writers' office. I hope they have someone of that intelligence level over in the Arrowhood. Maybe we should send them a post-it.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we should, cause I think the BT fandom needs Ben to come in, in a commanding way and blatantly kick some ass.
DeleteI thought Smallville was done really well Clark, Lana and even Lex had fans invested in them. We liked em we cared about em. And right at the end Black Manta. If only one more season.
hey, the Velma cosplay photo in your last posting i think this is her
. . . by the way man when was the last time you checked your email?
DeleteI feel the same way, as the "villain of the week" schtick gets old quick. This isn't the serials from he 40's, and we're not of that demographic anymore. We want intelligently written characters, or else we walk. Simple as that.
ReplyDeleteI have higher hopes now for the next season, since it looks like it'll be better than the first, and bc of all the nw characters they'll be introducing, I'm stoked. I will admit to being confused at the introduction of a new Black Canary, since that was already supposed to be Laurel's mom. I guess we'll see.
@Random: That little jewish minx is hot, blonde or not. Maybe it's the glasses and the fact the kinda sorta looks and reminds of Oracle.
Yeah, the Black Canary thing is confusing the crap out of me too. But then, when hasn't Ollie's love life been confusing? See what I mean about slapping my head and just going along for the ride? Right now I want to see him with Felicity. She's the only really believable female on the show. Every other chick wouldn't be able to actually hold down a job. Including Laurel. Who would have gone bankrupt shopping how she obviously does and working for a "pro bono" law firm. *ahem*. Sorry. Catty, what?
DeleteI really want to see BT kick some serious ass. Can we see him and Black Canary start it off? Cause that would be awesome.
I wish Laurel was going ot be the Black Canary instead of someone else, but with the possibility of a spin-off alongside the Flash, probably not.
ReplyDeleteMe and my pals have been fans of Katie Cassidy [Laurel] since her 'Supernatural' days.
Yes Felicity does remind us of Oracle, perhaps this is a backdoor way of introducing an 'Oracle; into this continuity?
Incidentally, can I ask are you the same Bronze Tiger who posts on the Fantastic Four TWGCM forum, just asking.
Nope, not me Karl but I might need to tip over there and see what the conversations are like.
DeleteI didn't see Felicity could be the new Oracle, but I like it. I want Oracle back kinda bad.
I think Laurel is going to end up being Black Canary before it's all over. At least I hope so.
Arrow wasn't too bad, although some aspects were off - I would've loved to see more of an authentic Huntress costume, and John Barrowman pisses me off big style - hes so hammy and 'jazz hands', but remarkably he was restrained here.
ReplyDeleteColin Salmon took three months off the series in the first series to participate in 'Strictly Come Dancing' here back in the UK [Strictly is our version of 'Dancing With the Stars'], hence his 'kidnapping' halfway through the season.
I watched Arrow almost every week. And even though it had that obvious "here is the weekly villain thing" and the "oh here is a cameo of a character that you really like to boost ratings" thing going on. I realized that I had to forget what I knew about Green Arrow and realize that this is not the character I already know about.
ReplyDeleteArrow is supposed to be gritty Gotham city knockoff style of character that television has tried to launch on the coat tails of a successful Batman movie franchise. With that being said, it still is a little exciting when you know that they will be bringing in new characters from the DCU.
On the other hand it is disappointing when they bring them in and they suck. Hopefully when they bring BT in, the story will be done right. MJW is a good choice. Especially with his martial arts skills and acceptable acting skills.He should be able to kick some serious butt and it be believable. Arrow does actually have some very good choreographed fight scenes. So if they can make him look good them Bronze Tiger should look amazing.
It is obvious to me that Laurel Lance will become the Black Canary (check out her name). And, I was wondering how Felicity fit into the story. I never thought of her as Oracle. But I can see this character going in that direction. And I believe that I would actually accept it.
Although I am not a "fan" so to speak, I do watch the show and I am still waiting for it blossom and become the show that it has potential to be.
Well well well my girl returns to say hello. Arrow is going to get some critique around here with the Tiger coming to Star City. Tough love, fair honest fan analyzed constructive criticism.
ReplyDeleteThey probably don't give a damn but here at the Tiger Cage my 10 = 100. Just like I keep it, 100.
The CW has a history of putting "Oracle like" characters in their shows without actually putting Babs in. Chloe was obviously based on her. Now we've got Felicity. I think they put Felicity in purely on the fact that Chloe was so popular. And hey, it's working. I don't know if they're scared of "Batman infringement" or something, but I they seem to see the need to fill the technologically adept hole. And there is cannon for the Laurel Dinah Lance character being the daughter of the original Black Canary (Dinah Drake, who married Detective Lance), although I think her name was switched around, with Laurel being the middle name. Of course, all of that was pre-reboot.
ReplyDeleteYeah I know right. It's like the Hero can't do it without the computer expert. How else would Arrow know what to do, where to go. It makes for easier writing.
DeleteI'm wondering how did he get so good at martial arts in the short time he trained under Slade?
Osmosis? Maybe they cuddled. I don't know. My kids were subjected to rants about the Slade Wilson thing. They all told me to be quiet or I wasn't allowed to watch it with them anymore.
DeleteKeKeKe...that was funny and maybe they did.
DeleteHere's the thing, some of the earliest comics I read were the Teen Titans comics with the origins of Slade Wilson in them. This, of course, included his relationship with Wintergreen. And what they did to Wintergreen in the show was just...a travesty. I've always felt Wintergreen's loyalty and integrity was something you don't touch. And they just rolled right over it for what? A name to throw in that someone who might have read comics once upon a time to recognize? I was a touch mad. More livid than the whole "self love" thing they had going with the "Speedy"/Roy Harper storyline.
DeleteYep. Sound like were all in together, I didn't like the Wintergreen betrayed me thing either. I was like is the little sister going to be Speedy the side kick? Then Roy came in the picture and ... it's just all f_messed up.
DeleteMy post today was going to be Gypsy and how she ties in to Birds of Prey, Vixen and BT's storied love life. But found out she has been 52d back to a teenager. I scrapped the project.
It's the little things that make your head hurt in the continuity shift. You see two people talking, and you remember all the conversations they had in the past, and all the weight behind them, and then realize that it never existed. It's just poof. I still can't wrap my head around it sometimes.