Black Manta

Black Manta

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Wonder Woman Princess of Power

Leader of the Justice League of America
and would be savior of the DCEU

After the tragedy of BVS Patty Jenkins gives us Wonder Woman,
Champion of the Themyscira
and protector of the free world. By now we've all seen the movie that was the hope to save the DCEU and we all bowed to our Amazon Princess.
Her movie was good, Pine was good, the story was good, cast was good,
visually stunning and Gal was great.

Yes...she is now my Wonder Woman too.
I'll always love you Ms Carter that's on everything but Gal has stepped into the roll and is representing Marvel-ously.

I know I know you might be saying " Hey OA1 you were the #1 opponent against casting a skinny Amazon an---" And then I saw the movie. Amazons came in all colors, shapes and sizes, skill sets you name it.

Am I still the strongest advocate of the thick and sexy? Yes I am, however in this case Gal like in her movie won the day.
I had to go thru all that to admit that even OA1 can be wrong.
(Not often but it happens)

Guys I wanted to talk about the Justice League movie.
But since I been gone for so long and locked out of my own blog spot I had to address how wonderful Gal worked out as Wonder Woman, how strong the movie was and how I now want Patty Jenkins to do all the DCUE movies or at least my revered Suicide Squad.
I'll do a quick OA1 overview of the Justice League movie
and leave you with Wonder Woman's 90's theme song. 
And forever
Long Live the Squad