Black Manta

Black Manta

Friday, June 7, 2013

the ingenious new 52

Face Off

Well it seems that Marvel had or has a tiger manthing in their universe as well. Who knew that DC with their super creative powers would just take an old failed Marvel concept and put the new 52 spin on it and call it artistic spotlighted originality. Or in other words, the Bronze Tiger, even though the new BT looks just like Maneater with clothes on and a stupid over sized video game sword.

Anyway :(  Friday Face Off presents Maneater vs new Bronze Tiger.
May the stupidest design idea win.

Somebody tell me. Is Lycanthropy  an artistic story trope and or cliche 
that comic book writers and artist use when they can't get right?
Or is it just a formula that's plugged in cause geekdom is so hard up and desperate
that they can just put out trash and nerds lick it up?



    1. for some reason I couldn't get this link to play. what is it? I'll just type in the name of the subject.

      And I am going to get off this tiger mess (eventually). Seeing the artist did get the tiger symbol on the top of his head right. I think I'm going to buy the annual (maybe).

    2. did you copy and paste the url into your browser? i just tried it and it worked fine plus what it goes to fits perfectly for what people are talking about in this comment section. by the way i made an update to the recent Suicide Squad posting mostly for your benefit.

    3. Ahhh, the island of Dr. Moreau. Yeah I just mentioned that to Dale. The High Evolutionary is the master of this story devise. Marvel already has that locked down, in a good way; in an original way that doesn't translate with these two guys.

      I'm on the way over to your spot to check the up date.

    4. How was that update for my benefit? How is it related to this post and what did knight One do as far as becoming and or opening any doors for an African American lead character in Checkmate, DC comics or anywhere else in comics for that matter.

      Matter of fact what exactly are you saying? Specifically

      See I want understand what your saying so I can respond accordingly. If anything Knight One was a token devise to make the minority believe they'r represented fairly and correctly. Which is a lie.

      To do what's right regardless of bigotry, racism, feminism etc. is good. We all have to fight ignorance and so forth. That was the overall message of that panel. But if were opening up every other angle that was played with that panel it goes deeper than do unto others.

  2. Here's the thing: combining a human and an animal, whether through mystical or scientific means, has lost a lot of power as a plot device because of it's horrid overuse. It's getting so I hear about a character even using the "power" of an animal and I start groaning. I want a better backstory.
    It's like doing a human interest piece inside of zombie porn. Done too much. Only done well a few times, and who the hell wants to wade through the crap anymore?
    Not me.

    1. Ha Ha this is priceless and one of the truest statements ever made.

    2. I know right? I bet the writer was so in love with the idea, just smiling on the inside. Anyway, I guess it's just one of those things where the fan boi has to tighten up the seat belt and wait for the ride to stop.

      I even stopped buying Marvel for what happened to my guy in DC. Plus the prices are to high for a story I'm not totally locked into. Something has to give though, I think I'm having withdrawal symptoms from non reading.

  3. You need to read Chew. It's awesome. And new. And worthwhile. Not your regular superhero comic, but if you're not screaming "Poyo for President!" by the end you've got no soul.

  4. Never saw this Maneater character before, but yikes right?
    and now BT looks like he could be his long-lost brother.
    Like random said, plot devices like this are trusty and long-used. I don't think it'll never fade away because it's just too good of a plot device to abandon, especially if done correctly.

    But as I've long said, abandon the big two, and go check out the indies, like Boom Studios, Image, Dynamite, Valiant and more. They actually try to be original and unevent-like, unlike the usual suspects of the big two.

    1. Your both right, I'm just's tired overused bull and in these cases not even quality. The Maneater, is an Island of Dr. Moreau rip off. And this so called new BT is hack work also; staring what used to be the most original African American character in the DCU. On a real level.....I don't see the reason for the new design or the reason for the new origin

      At All.

  5. Yeah, but that's NUDC all-over. "Let's hide the fact that we can't/or don't want to develop these characters the right way, or even at all, so let's throw out some nice splashy covers, and unnecessary changes to distract from our incompetence." As the Wizard from the OZ movie said, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."

    1. Ha! Nice reference to those new 3D covers, Dale? I feel exactly the same. Characters that had no need of revamping got pushed through the meat mill and came out looking like some kind of homogeneous glob.

    2. Legacy characters stayed the same though. And I heard one of Superman's books was a dud. And he's still going to get 4 villain books in Sept. Wonder Woman's book is selling poorly but they still recognize the importance of her Brand. That's what the Bronze Tiger was in my comic reading world. Unrealized but still the star standard hero waiting for his turn on stage.

    3. That's how I feel about Wonder Girl and Starfire. I realize they get bigger play than BT did, but there was the hero worship. Two different women who I really loved character-wise, and wanted to be. Now Donna is MIA and Cassie is a completely different character with blonde hair and the same name.

    4. I know you hate what they did with Starfire.

  6. Bronze Tiger first appeared about 20 years before Maneater.
    Get it right fanboy.
