Coming of a Geek Planet
what I've been hearing is cosplay is the new cool, the next big thing,
and Geek is good. I know Geek girls rule, in which cosplay has released
the dormant powers, the expressive feminine appeal and the over all
awesomeness of our heroine teammates.
Lady Sagat
Misty Knight
Velma: Zombie Hunter 2012
I like the concept. So she makes the cut
Captain Universe
And for us guys cosplay has also revealed the dormant chivalry
and heroic nature of us workaholics and sofa coaches.
You do get some creeps out of the lot.
But overall thru cosplay we become
the Black Panther
Power man and Iron Fist
Cable Redhood

No matter what universe you like better
or what super team you side with
suit up have fun and
If you could put together a costume
hooked up exactly how you want it sparing nothing.
Who would you go as?
What would your equipment do?