8 Million Stories
The rumor is Redguard is the next DLC for the daedra ridden world of Skyrim. The game had me from the opening sequence. To explore Hammerfell.....priceless. This story driven mythological blood fest is almost everything an RPG open world player could want. Build your guy or gal and play out the story however you like. The diversity of the Elder Scrolls did what two of my other favorite games didn't (Red Dead Redemption, Halo Reach). Everybody has a place and a roll to play in Tamriel. You can be Dragonborn. Star Wars didn't do this either, all hail Skyrim.

The Night Mother speaks thru a corpse on the physical plane of Tamriel. Her daedra minions are giant half spider half naked humans. When I found this out I understood why it was a giant frostbite spider at the Brotherhood hideout.
As the Listener, I got caught up in the Dark Brotherhood of assassins. I fit in perfectly. I admit that I'm one of the truest and most skilled killers of this sect, prone to violence but not to evil. The Night Mother must die. The Brotherhood is ingrained into the fabric of Skyrim and fit my purpose and plan to become Restless League; and an extension of the rebirth of the RaGaga.
I present this to the most trusted of my men Nazir, one of the only ones that doesn't have to die with the matron of this sanctuary of evil. I wait to hear what he feels about this proposal.
Nazir: "Alamarr, I will follow you till I'm dust in the breeze. You do realize that."
Now I know the Night Mother is finished.
The big enemy of Redguard
the Aldemeri Dominion

The mysteries of the Deep Elves has every Skyrimer on pins and needles as well as the appearance of sand worms, Nafaalilargus the dragon, air ships and the sword of Prince A'tor.
Whatever the dlc is called; Stros M'kai, Dragonstar or Redguard, us Alik'r are so ready to attack it, innocent reeklings might get trampled.
It is some things I want fixed too
Display cases should hold items that fit
Make being a Thane or team leader mean something
Your follower should be able to ride a horse
and Fix the Lydia glitch!
I'm tired of wearing the amulet of Mara every damn day.