Black Manta

Black Manta

Friday, May 24, 2013

Return of the Tiger

the complex equation
                                                   of an
International Operative

the DC comics site released the new 52 version of the Bronze Tiger to be debuted in Red Hood and the Outlaws. The amazing pencils revealed a meta human catman and well.....I lost it.  Betrayal, disappointment and controlled anger was the recipe that formulated my conversations and the immediate dropping of all comic book buying until I could see another color besides red. Yesterday the Reviewer told me that a human merc assassin named Ben is shown in a flashback training Jason Todd to become the Red Hood.

I said all of that to show you this picture of said assassin and see if we can break somethings down together. Let's see if we can attain the true identity of this guy and see what direction his story may go in.

1. His Teflon armor seems to be black and orange tiger stripes.

2. The Jewel he's holding seems to be the heart of Nanda Parbat. Seeing all the dead monks laying everywhere.

3. If that is monks of the temple, being able to fight on that level there's only a few folks in the DCU that are in that class and Benjamin Turner is one of them.

So could this be the Bronze Tiger before he becomes meta human? Could this be the beginning of an epic story. The epic I've been waiting on for years?  And if it is where will it be told from?

Me....I think  the Bronze Tiger should touch down in a mini series.  That's the only way to show and explain everything.  A real kick off would be an animated movie, oneshot combo pack. But Hell,  we all know that's just fan optimistic overflow. a damn Dream in other words.


  1. You could write your own fan-fiction if you like... unless you did that already. I'd read it, haha :p

    1. Comaine when I see your art work it inspires story and I know you already know that. We're artistically connected little sister I bet you didn't know that. I can see a SoDae OA1 project in the future. And that's just food for thought.

    2. Hey, its only fair if you share your art as well bro! I have yet to read something from you. You should try a short story. I mentioned fan fiction because folks write about their favorite characters in a fan sense when they get a particularly good idea or if they prefer to see a different take on them that may not come from the author. Thought it would help since your favorite character seems to be getting the short end of the stick for a while. And yes, I got that bit of food for thought~

  2. Not sure I like where this is going, but I'll admit that it could be worse as well. At least Ben is a teacher and badass...

    1. I don't like that they didn't keep to the superior story of the Bronze Tiger. And this guy doesn't look anything like BT at all. I don't like that either.

      I just thought what I saw in the picture was conversation worthy and maybe the writer could do some serious explaining in the future. No matter what the writer does I'll never except Bronze Tiger as Tony the tiger; or a superficial thug.

  3. one thing for sure DC is gonna make you wait a long time before you get any straight answers about BT's origin. that staged fight scene with the figures is awesome that could make a good reference for an illustration.

    1. I know. I guess Geoff's method of dragging the reader for years before he decides to tell you nothing has caught on. But that's what Shlomo Ben Hungstien is for, to talk about their asses for f_,k!ng off.

    2. it's not just Geoff, when the fuck are the readers of the Suicide Squad gonna get to find out what the fuck King Shark is?

    3. 20 issues in and we still don't know. Man I went to the comic book store to buy the issue for these 2 pictures of Ben somebody and for the fist time in my life left the book store disgruntled for spending money on my favorite pass time. What is the world coming to?

  4. Firstly, that action figure shot is god damn awesome!

    Secondly, as for where his story should be told, I wish there were the DC back up features back, where deserving characters got eight pages behind the headline act of a regular title. Like they did with (gulp) Captain Marvel. Black Panther would've been great to debut in the pages of Grifter or Deathstroke if either of those characters still had books. Deathstroke especially.

    Now I'd like to see whatever happens in the pages of the Squad out of loyalty or Savage Hawkman, just because I think anything with a ancient tie to a mystical power plays in well with his whole story (or his old one). Damn you DC it's hard to know what is what these days!

    1. Yeah, that's a serious scene right? I found it surfing around and was like...this is it. This is what a BT comic should be.

      Dan the DC back up feature would be awesome. You made me even see a bad ass team up. Ancient artifacts and two of the hardest warriors DC has ever produced, Bronze Tiger and Hawkman. whooosh don't that just send shivers down your back? Can you emagine the fight? Or even better, the blood wake from the team up! (okmanungriptheknife)

      It would be EPIC.

  5. I'll second the nice comments on that awesomely-staged action figure scene with the BT figure. Very cool indeed.

    I guess it's too early to tell where DC's going w/this version of Ben. Maybe he's stuck in tiger form as penance for past crimes? Who knows, but at least he gets the love he deserves at this blog;)

    1. That's what I thought at first too Dale. Merc assassin, money over everything bla bla bla. Finds redemption after having to walk around as a mancat thing. Jesus!

      The whole thing deserves the Morbid treatment.

      Ben Turner eat's a bowl of frosted flakes

      then instantly he turns into Bronze Tiger the Thundercat

      Bronze Thunder pulls that big ugly ass sword off his back and thrust it to the sky and roars real loud.

      Then the fake ass Suicide Squads shows and ..........

  6. Yeah, but everything nowadays is that "antihero" crap. Everyone loves money, or something, over and above justice. Unless you're talking about the BIG GUYS. There just isn't a Good Guy in the lower ranks unless he's a naive teenager.
    I don't think writers can comprehend of someone noble enough to hold onto ideals, or come back to them.

  7. These writers just want the money. Hell they've got the anti hero syndrome themselves obviously. The genius success of Frank Miller changed the game up. Don't get me wrong, I luv a good anti hero and there's a place in the genre for him. The tragedy of it though is like you said; everybody is a mean mugging Dark Knight wanna be Punisher.

    This post sum's it up so well I have to give it to you

    1. Yes! Exactly that. Insufficient writers drawing insufficient plotlines from the greatest writers of our times.
      Instead of daring to be brave and bold. Like our heroes are supposed to be.

  8. Ha ha, just seeing Ben Turner eat a bowl of Tiger Flakes, especially the toy version is so worth doing. The wheels are spinning in my head ladies and gentlemen;)

    1. Dude I hope so. I want to see him POOF!turn into Tony and do some school house rock type of hero-ing and banter that can only come from the funhouse.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. I think it's to late man. But I'm watching and I know Jahe is watching, so who knows, DC might pull it off. If they do were having a Black Panther Party, I mean A Bronze Tiger party. Comics, shirts and beers all around.


    1. Yeah I believe you do. But stay down with the Tiger Cage and if this movie pan out like you say the S is yours courtesy of everybodies favorite Agent OA1.
